Sri Lanka Business Directory

Trace & Reverse Lookup Sri Lanka Mobile Numbers

Sri Lanka Number Tracking and Reverse Lookup Tool. Search for any number in the box above or browse location wise directory for Sri Lanka.

81400- Akuressa Telephone Directory, 50500- Medawachchiya Telephone Directory, 81000- Telephone Directory, 80000- Telephone Directory, 10250- Nugegoda Telephone Directory, See More

Click on the Sri Lankans Pincode/Zip Code to view their respective Telephone Directory.

Sri Lanka Directory from Akuressa to Kadawatha
81400 - Akuressa
50500 - Medawachchiya
81000 - 81000
80000 - 80000
10250 - Nugegoda
12400 - Horana East
82450 - Walasmulla East
81100 - Kamburupitiya
10107 - 10107
00700 - 00700
10650 - Hanwella Town
01300 - Kotahena East
11000 - Gampaha Aluthgama East
10500 - Padukka
00800 - Borella North
32300 - 32300
32000 - 32000
30200 - 30200
12060 - Maggona West
80300 - 80300
80500 - 80500
10370 - Mount Lavinia
10304 - Siddamulla North
22200 - 22200
20590 - Ramboda
20588 - 20588
71100 - Rambukkana North
60000 - 60000
71000 - 71000
Sitapura - Sitapura
71014 - Hiriwadunna
50200 - Nochchiyagama
60400 - Wariyapola
50240 - 50240
01400 - 01400
11850 - Kadawatha



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